Danny Maff

Mart 26, 2005

I hope you like pictures. I got scannetr yesterday at the seasonal street fair. It's good. I am going to put all of the photos i have for you to look at. They are worth 1000 words. The guy that i hit has decided to forget about it. I had to give him 250 dollars. I gave it to his lawyer actually and they drop charge. It was worth it but i had to borrow from my poppy and he and i don't get along that well. He does not like that i sometimes smoke marijuana. In the house. He is stubborn and won't listen to me, and he drinks potato vodka all day. he mixes it into coffee so he thinks we don't know. We do. I don't know how he soes it. That shit tastes like shit. Coffee and vodka. Idiot. This weekend i hope to sell this guitar that i have at second hand shoppe. If i can get fifty for it i can go to this show at the ampitheater. They play Pink Floyd over P.A and shoot lazers on the cieling. Is very stony. Well, i am in bettr spirits since i don't have to go to jail.
My man, tony loves the mivie Screams

Me and my bro. We just swam across the Yakuzi river. It's full of salt. You float like life raft.

Mart 17, 2005

this my friend Alto. He plays footie for local team (GO NORTH) they bought him this blue car so he will play much better now.

Mart 16, 2005


party was real fun for all

went to keg party on saturday it was the shit. Is that how you say? The shit, the bomb. I hgad a good time. got inot fight with this Ukrainian sailor. Kicked his head off. He didn't know that i am good at boxing business. I hope that he doesn't press a charge like the last man i hit. I don't need this troube speaking of that the last man is still going to prees on with his lawsuit. I need to get a lawyer. The one that the court appointed smells like liqour all the time. I do to but i am not lawyer. I lay bricks. When it's nt snowing.

Mart 12, 2005

terry and me got zooted beyonf belief last night.



the guy i put the stamp on the other day is going to press a charge. If ytou don't hear from me for awhile that is wy. Sorry. I know how much you enjoy reading what i tell you but if i'm in county i don't think that i can get online. Maybe sometimes but if i do i don't think that i'll be visiting here.

Mart 11, 2005

My pal Randall. He is a very funny guy.



LAST night some jerk-off down at the tavern started some trouble so i had to puit hi m in his place. The bad part was that i got tossed into the drunk tank for three hours. I'm out now so expect some more of my art. I don't think that the incarcaration is going to throw me for a loss. I shoukd be ablt to take it in stride. I have to practice my typing. Anyone out there have a copy of Mavis Beacon that they could send to me? I need it.

Mart 10, 2005

two bottles. One for Me. One for you.


Mart 2005   Nisan 2005   Mayıs 2005   Ağustos 2007  

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