Danny Maff

Mart 26, 2005

Me and my bro. We just swam across the Yakuzi river. It's full of salt. You float like life raft.

You know, i was there that night and you guys did NOT swim across that fucking river. You and your bro's skinny asses were drunk and probably high. You fell in like a couple of idiots and when I told you to dry your clothes by the fire, you stripped down to your hairless puny birthday suits. Dumb asses. Danny, you loser, your bro threw your shoes in the fire and they melted. Ha, that was fuckin' funny!
fuck you bitch. I swi,m better when i am drunk. next time i see you. I will F-U-C-K yoyu up.
i knew that you and him where of the gay. I will beat that little ass in!
Ukranian Patriot
Thanks for the comment on my blog-

Looks like you have LOTS of fun!!

Don't get too cold!

ANy pics with no censor?? Just kidding ;-)
why are you puttin these pics on here i told not to embarass yourself i will see you tonight

Just saying hi again, since maybe you didn't see my last comment.

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